- ZHANG Qianqian
- A new career research.
Research interest
- I develop and apply innovative information technologies related research, focusing on Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), Sensor, Visualisation, and Numerical Modelling in Earth Observation, Disaster Management, and Earth Resources Management.
- [1]2022– present Invited Topic Editor for Journals of Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Soil Systems, Sustainability, Water, Topic: Hydrology and Water Resources in Agriculture, and Ecology,https://www.mdpi.com/topics/hydrology_water_agriculture_ecology
- [2]2021 – present Guest Co-lead Editor for Special Issue of Advanced Earth Observations of Forest and Wetland Environment, Remote Snesing, https://www.mdpi.com/topics/hydrology_water_agriculture_ecology
- [3]2023 - Topic Lead Editor, https://www.mdpi.com/topics/34B1EPTDG3, What Climate Adaptation Looks Like: Improving Healthy Landscape, Journals: Agronomy,Land, Remote
Sensing, Ecologies, Climate
[1]Zhang, Q.,et al.(2019). A new roadextraction method using Sentinel-1 SAR images based on the deep fully convolutional neuralnetwork,
European Journal of Remote Sensing, 52(1), 572-582.
[2]Zhang,Q.,et al.Retrieval of the Soil Salinity from Sentinel-1 Dual-polarized SAR Data Based on Deep Neural Network Regression.IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,
[3]Zhang,Q., et al. Sentinel-1 Imagery Incorporating Machine Learning for Dryland Salinity Monitoring A Case Study in Esperance, Western Australia,
- [4]Jin, Y.; Ding, J.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, C.; Hou, X.; Zhang, Q.; Liu, Q. Urban Land Expansion Simulation Considering the Increasing versus Decreasing Balance Policy: A Case Study in Fenghua, China. Land 2023, 12, 2099. https://doi.org/10.3390/land12122099